The electropolymerization process of aniline in acidic aqueous solutions and some influential factors are investigated by potentiostatic method and cyclic voltammetry. 采用恒电位法和循环伏安法,研究酸性水溶液中苯胺在铂电极上电化学聚合的过程及其影响因素,初步探讨了聚合机理。
Polyaniline-tungsten trioxide ( PANI-WO_3) composite film was synthesized on the surface of titanium electrode by pulse potentiostatic method. 采用脉冲电位法在钛电极表面合成了聚苯胺-三氧化钨(PANI-WO3)复合膜。
Corrosion behavior of PANI/ TiO_2 composite film prepared by potentiostatic method in seawater solution 恒电位法制备聚苯胺/TiO2复合膜耐海水腐蚀性能研究
The corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steel manual metal-arc welded joint in Na_2S solution was studied by potentiostatic polarization method and microscopic test method. 利用恒电位极化曲线法及金相显微分析方法,研究了奥氏体不锈钢手弧焊焊接接头在含Na2S溶液中的腐蚀行为。
The electrochemical process of pyrite electrode in diethyldithiocarbamate ( DDTC) solution with a pH value of 11.4 has been investigated using cyclic voltammetry, Potentiostatic method and Chronopotentiometry. 在pH值为114的二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(DDTC)体系中,采用循环伏安电位扫描、恒电位阶跃和计时电位法研究了黄铁矿的电极过程。
The binding of Cd2+ to bovine serum albumin ( BSA) was studied by a modified potentiostatic titration method. 用定电位、定pH滴定法研究了Cd~(2+)离子与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的结合。
The anodic oxidation of stibnite in HCl solutions has been studied using voltammetry and potentiostatic method. 用电位扫描法和恒电位电解法研究了Sb2S3在HCl溶液中的阳极氧化电化学,确定SbS3的阳极溶解为不可逆电极过程。
Cu microparticles were electrodeposited on Au electrode by using potentiostatic method. 用恒电位沉积法制备了金/铜微颗粒(Au/Cu)电极。